

  • If you’re happy with the amount of money you’re making & you have low overhead…
  • If you are never tired, stressed nor feel burned out or…
  • If you have plenty of time out of the office to enjoy your family, travel, play golf, or…
  • If you’re happy with the performance and training of your team, or…
  • If you’re happy with the amount of money you write off every month because of your relationship with PPO’s…

Then there’s no need to join the Brady Group LLC family.

However, if you experience even one of the following . . .

If you are not making enough or worry about money . . . if you’re tired from working too hard or too long, stressed or burned out . . . or if you’re not taking as much time off as you’d like, or maybe you’re frustrated with your team and you’d like to change that, then you are a great candidate for Brady Group coaching.

Here’s how you’ll profit from Brady Group Coaching...(It’s called ‘upside down thinking.’)

1. Make And KEEP More Money.

Most advice dentists get to run their practice is dead wrong. Keeping more of your hard-earned money is not just about increasing production.

As a general rule, our clients increase their NET income by several thousand dollars each month. You want more money? Then, lower your overhead first. How does that happen? Oftentimes this occurs as a result of a combination of three things:

A. Reduce Overhead through proper diagnosis to ensure a better mix of treatment

Most dental consultants recommend increase the number of hygiene patients. Become busier. Hire more staff to handle the volume. This approach increases overhead. Our approach is different. Think about it, would you rather be busy or PROFITABLE?

B. Increasing Production Through Better Case Acceptance/Comprehensive Systems

Those dentists who have high case acceptance understand that the mainstream way of presenting dentistry is killing their profits. Most dentists make the same mistakes over and over again. Ask yourself. “Which comes first. The ‘comprehensive exam’ or the ‘sale’?” The one you do first can make all the difference. Comprehensive systems complete the process.

C. Reduce And/Or Eliminate Accounts Receivable

If you are extending credit to your patients, we can train your team in some simple methods will eliminate the high cost of sending statements. Poor collections can kill your cash flow. Collect up front. We’ll show you how.

What this means to you is…

You will see financial results in your practice almost immediately!

2. Partner With You To Grow The Practice How You Want It To Be.

Tell us what you want. Finding out exactly what you really want is our first task together. We help you distinguish between what you coulda, shoulda, oughta, and have-to want, from what you, in your heart of hearts, really want for yourself. Once you create the ideal vision, we help you develop your plan to grow your practice exactly the way you want. You do more of the kind of dentistry you want to do. You treat more of the kind of patients you want to treat. You have your office the way you want it to look. You develop a practice that serves you rather than you being a slave to your practice. In other words, at last you have the practice you’ve always dreamed. You CAN have it all!

3. Hold Your Feet To The Fire.

Basketball great Michael Jordan had a coach. Mia Hamm, women’s superstar soccer player, had a coach. John Elway, Denver’ legendary quarterback, had a coach. The results speak for themselves. Michele Kwan, ladies world champion figure skater, tried self-coaching. The results were a disaster. She learned the value of a coach.

As gifted as these hall of fame athletes are, they all have one thing in common. They all employed the help of a coach. Why? Because they all recognized the need for someone to push them and encourage them and give them feedback so they could reach much higher heights than they would have flying solo.

Even if you know most of the answers, having a coach will save you both money and time because you’ll get where you want to go much faster. Not to mention the headaches you’ll avoid from the mistakes you’ll make. Flying solo will cost you thousands.

If you like the ideal of having it all…

    • Work less yet have more money
    • Have the kind of practice you always dreamed of
      • Low stress
      • More vacation time
      • Happier doctor and team
    • Glean the benefits of having a trained, experienced dental coach,

Then you’ll benefit greatly from Brady Group coaching. And yes, you can have it all.

Remember that –
Dr. Chris is a dentist. He understands what it’s like to run a dental practice. In addition, through practicing dentistry since 1984 and coaching hundreds of dental practices since 1994, he understands you. He’s been in your chair.
Drop us a note and tell us what you want your practice to look like. You’ll quickly receive an email back to you outlining what is the best approach.
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